Search results for: mentoring

Amy Y Zhang on why asset management is the “ultimate meritocracy”

Zhang has dealt with sexism, but maintains hard work will help female asset managers thrive

Plexal’s accelerator to boost number of diverse cyber firms

Over half of the programme’s members are BAME-led firms

Equal Pay Day: the days women work ‘for free’ grows

Equal Pay Day is two days earlier this year, signifying the decline of women’s pay equity

Estwar Sanichar – Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion Lead – Role model BAME Health & Care Awards 2021

The Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion Lead – Role model winner explains the career progression barriers facing BAME healthcare workers and what can be done to help

Greenwashing firms – the great resignation’s biggest victims?

Talent could head to employers that are genuine about sustainability

Lois Durant is Sheppard Mullin’s first Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Durant was Sheppard Mullin’s Director of Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) and Talent Management Strategy

The reasons why Black staff are quitting their jobs

Workplace discrimination is one reason why Black staff are leaving jobs

Lack of leadership accountability is a barrier to workplace inclusion

The report found that little was being done to hold them accountable on progress

How to improve diversity in tech

As Black History Month comes to a close, AudioMob’s Wilfrid Obeng calls for the UK tech industry to fulfil its goals for inclusion

Mastercard launches Strive Learning Network to support diverse entrepreneurs

The network comprises individuals and organisations that want to support small businesses, especially those led by BAME and female entrepreneurs