Search results for: mental wellbeing

WIT Ireland Summit: using tech to ‘save the world’

Speakers discussed the power of tech to boost customer inclusion and business sustainability

Disability Smart Awards 2021 – winners announced!

The winners have demonstrated disability-inclusive efforts and actions

Robert Goddard – Compassionate and Inclusive Leader – BAME HCAs

2021’s joint winter of the Compassionate and Inclusive Leader – Initiative award at The National BAME Health & Care Awards 2021 shares his vision for racial equity in British healthcare

Emotional intelligence – the skill set of future Black leaders?

Black employees have high emotional intelligence which is desired in modern leaders

Getting men talking: Removing taboos around men’s health

The need to talk about issues or feelings is often ignored by men

Burnout: could more ‘reward and recognition’ stem Gen Z exodus?

All workers feel more burnt out since the pandemic began, but Gen Zs are suffering more

The benefits of mindfulness in the workplace

Could mindfulness help de-escalate men’s mental health issues?

Untapped AI seeks end to unreliable employee surveys

Data reveals that employees underestimate and are dishonest about their true feelings

Encouraging self-compassion for men at work

Self-compassion involves noticing your own distress and doing something about it

Greenwashing firms – the great resignation’s biggest victims?

Talent could head to employers that are genuine about sustainability