Search results for: mental health

What it takes to build BAME healthcare leaders

Other leaders must understand the struggles BAME staff face to support their progression

How leaders can help create a healthy company all year round

Mental health issues were the number one reason that UK employees took time off work in 2021

The productivity benefits of a happy and healthy workforce

Invest in staff health and happiness this year and see productivity gains

7 steps to creating good mental wellbeing in your workforce

Many employees feel their organisation isn’t supportive enough on mental health

Getting men talking: Removing taboos around men’s health

The need to talk about issues or feelings is often ignored by men

Estwar Sanichar – Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion Lead – Role model BAME Health & Care Awards 2021

The Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion Lead – Role model winner explains the career progression barriers facing BAME healthcare workers and what can be done to help

WMH Day 2021: better mental wellbeing despite inequality

World Mental Health Day is recognised worldwide on the 10th of October

5 proven power skills to embody your values and create a healthier workplace culture

Company culture expert MaryBeth Hyland breaks down the meaning of company culture and how to build a healthy one

Bushra Ali Solicitors hires health studies graduate and disability speaker in new D&I role

Bushra Ali Solicitors has appointed Aisha Seedat as Disability, Diversity and Inclusion Champion

Optegra Eye Health Care celebrates success of its ‘Be You’ forum

Membership of Optegra Eye Health Care’s ‘Be You’ initiative has more than doubled in three months