Search results for: diversity

Network Rail links with Evenbreak to attract disabled talent

Network Rail has joined up with Evenbreak, a specialist job board for disabled people

The benefits of mindfulness in the workplace

Could mindfulness help de-escalate men’s mental health issues?

Mental health apps and general support for male staff

Homeworking has accelerated the adoption of digital mental health tools

Untapped AI seeks end to unreliable employee surveys

Data reveals that employees underestimate and are dishonest about their true feelings

How employers can support emotional wellbeing during remote working

Portugal’s improved work-life measures for remote workers is an example to UK PLC

View the Women in Finance Awards UK shortlist here

The shortlist has been released ahead of the awards ceremony on November 24th, 2021

Diversitas symposium: how diverse talent can build their careers in financial planning

The event included career development advice from diverse professionals

Why autism should not be a barrier to a great career

Grainger was diagnosed as autistic aged 44. He is proving autism isn’t a barrier to a great career

Diversifying your business by going international

By moving away from a single-location model, businesses can access a wider talent pool

iStock’s new grant to support underrepresented creatives

Community impact organisations from around the world will help iStock judge the applicants