Search results for: company culture

Diversity is a chance; inclusion is a wealth

Diversity matters; not just as a business imperative, but for human morality to survive

New hire shows corporate interest in D&I roles

DEI leader Channing Martin Jones joins software provider CSG following a year of growth for the global diversity job economy

LGBT inclusion should come from leadership

100 business leaders have been noted for their passionate commitment to LGBT+ rights at work

Secrets from an expert on how to propel your tech sales career

Salesforce Account Executive Fantagbè Traoré has built her tech sales career from the ground up, and here’s how she did it

Precisely: driving the D&I agenda

How do you keep up the momentum of building a diverse and inclusive culture when companies merge? Tendu Yogurtcu, Chief Technical Officer at Precisely, has the answers

How to support managers to reduce the stigma of workplace mental ill-health

Nuffield Health’s latest whitepaper ‘MORE THAN WORDS’ shines a light on the importance of language to normalise everyday mental health ill-health

D&I needs to be part of the business strategy – an expert’s view

Vessy Tasheva takes a holistic approach when helping organisations embed D&I. 2021 is time to move beyond the virtual signalling

How HR leaders can help women reach the top in male-dominated industries

For every 100 men promoted into management, 70 women are. Here’s how to tackle inequalities and elevate more women to the top

Turning Talk into Action: How to implement an effective DE&I strategy

Time to walk the talk when it comes to DE&I strategies. Sheree Atcheson, Peakon’s Global Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion shows us how

When legal representation falls short: study finds diversity is lacking in law firms

Only 29% of partner roles in large law firms are held by women, despite women making up 47% of the UK workforce