Search results for: HR experience

Women report significantly lower levels of financial wellbeing than men

Men generally feel happier with their finances and future financial plans than women. New research highlights the difference between men’s and women’s financial wellbeing

New ‘Forum’ seeks to influence disability and business inclusion agenda

UN’s International Day of People with Disabilities highlights the inequalities disabled people still face in the workplace

Only 3% of articles discussing diversity reference disability

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, global businesses sign up to put disability inclusion on their board agendas

CBI: fairness and equality can define London’s post-covid economy

Equality, innovation and net-zero priorities will help drive the capital’s economic recovery, say London’s business leaders

Headspace: the panacea for corporate mental wellbeing

Experiencing mental wellbeing issues first-hand has left its Chief Strategy and Science Officer with a passion for reducing stigma

Gen Z: How this generation could be your diversity and inclusion saviour

Gen Z is full of diversity-focused digital-savvy candidates. Why then are they finding it so hard to find work?

FDM Group opens the doors to STEM to everyone

One-third of the tech careers launched by FDM Group over the past 20 years were for candidates with zero STEM experience

Why is the bitcoin community so male-dominated?

There is an unbalanced gender split in the bitcoin community, with 85% of users being male and 15% female. Experts at Paxful explain why

BAME HCAs: the true measure of wealth is good health

When BAME HCAs winner Dr Danso realised the healthcare needs of her friends and family were underserved, she decided to do something about it…

New disability toolkit helps businesses be more inclusive

Corporate giants are leading the way to ensure people with disabilities have support and opportunities at work