Search results for: health

The productivity benefits of a happy and healthy workforce

Invest in staff health and happiness this year and see productivity gains

Putting men’s mental health at the top of next year’s agenda

To help men in the workplace, a ’one-size-fits-all’ approach won’t work

How can workplaces support men’s mental health next year?

The best employers are those who take the mental health of their workforce seriously

Interventions to improve staff mental health

Here are ways your firm can better support staff mental health especially when working remotely

Barriers to career progression for BAME healthcare workers

The roundtable explored the professional development BAME healthcare workers want

Men in tech – the silent mental health sufferers

There are higher suicide rates in the tech industry than in others

Managing mental health in the workplace while transitioning to office

Following the uncertainty of the pandemic, many workers have found themselves having to go back to the office

Healthcare systems need more women at senior level

Professor Nora Colton is on a mission to improve healthcare systems around the world

How workplaces can better support men’s mental health

There is still a long way to go in opening up about men’s mental health

Getting men talking: Removing taboos around men’s health

The need to talk about issues or feelings is often ignored by men