Search results for: Race

Race equality think tank Runnymede Trust responds to the Sewell report

A new Government report says institutional racism isn’t an issue, where its critics say it’s sabotaging growing allyship forged since Black Lives Matter

Older employees don’t think race and gender hold women back

Older employees, according to a new study, think that gender, race, and ethnicity aren’t holding women back from workplace progression

Could fintech review stimulate greater gender and race inclusion?

A UK fintech review wants to foster further growth by training and upskilling the sector’s future workforce which is good, as long as existing gender and racial inequalities are recognised

Race equality: moving from sentiment to action

Co-founder of Race Equality Matters and CEO of diverse recruitment firm Green Park, Raj Tulsiani is making a final call to action to employers as Race Equality Week enters its final few days

How to engage your organisation in conversations about race

In the second of our ‘let’s talk about race’ series, Aggie Mutuma, from Mahogany Inclusion Partners, shares more on how to have positive conversations about race

New inclusivity course wants bosses to end their silence on race

A convener of a new nine-week business course says leaders must start speaking openly about race if they want to create a truly inclusive workplace.

Sainsbury’s to use The Talk documentary as part of its training on race

Retail giant uses popular Channel 4 show featuring well-known Black Britons to bolster its training on race

CBI sets out to Change the Race Ratio at the top of British businesses

British businesses are launching a new campaign to increase racial and ethnic participation in senior leadership

Let’s talk about race!

The floodgates have opened and we are talking about race in a way that we haven’t before

Why failing to talk about race is fuelling the ethnicity pay gap

It has long been taboo to discuss ethnicity, yet change can only come about once we have these conversations.